The CDC and Food and Drug Administration have recently stated that it is crucial for healthcare professionals to investigate the outbreak of the use of e-cigs and their association with lung issues. In this blog post, we answer the question based on what is the latest news about vaping?
Recent news and research show that young individuals who are used to vaping as well as smoking are likely to develop stroke. The study goes ahead to indicate that individuals who are in the habit of smoking can expose themselves to additional health risks, including smoking-related infections.
Published by the prestigious American Journal, scientific research investigated the odds of a person acquiring some disease after smoking. Here are more highlights of the vaping industry.
Looking at vaping vs. smoking
Every single discussion regarding the health risks of becoming a vaper needs to startwith anextensive comparison to conventional cigarette smoking. This is major since vapes are created and designed to be less harmful to the alternative cigarettes. Other than that, it is also essential to weigh vaping against smoking since most vapers are ex-smokers.

And looking at the scientific bit of it all, a few studies which are not enough, to say the least, have applied a direct comparison between smoking as well as vaping. But that is a valid yet missed opportunity, according to experts. It is comprehended that conventional smoking is not suitable for you since it comes with several health risks.
However, is vaping good for you? Does it come with health risks? Separate from the common understanding of the safety of vaping, you should realize that it is crucial to understand that vaping is quite safer than smoking. That is why the health ministry has established official findings. Let us take a look at some of the highlighted cases:
- Vaping is more reliable than smoking, at least to a more considerable extent
- Vaping is the best alternative to smoking
- There are not many studies that employ a direct comparison. For that reason, the small amount of information that exists needs to be measured against every available ounce of knowledge when it comes to cigarette smoking.
Vaping could be harmful to your lungs
Cigarette smoking can cause extensive harm to the consumer’s lungs. Other than that, long term consumption of tobacco may also lead to esophageal cancer, which is, without a doubt, life-threatening. Because of the rise in health conditions such as chronic bronchitis and pulmonary disease, every prospective user needs to understand the risks they are being exposed to.

Conventional cigarette smoking can attack the lungs in multiple ways. This is appended to the fact that it has several toxic chemicals, with most being carcinogens. It also has a particulate matter that harms your lungs. Usually, these elements may be buried in your lung tissues. In fact, some of the most dangerous things in burning tobacco are not found in vaping. Because vaping makes use of a coil, then it looks like smoke. However, it is not.